The Adventures Of Lo On The Go: Lo Goes To Africa


Educational guide on Monarch Butterflies how we can build a garden for them. Provide seed packets and instructions for schools and families and grandparents. Advertise build a fan club with one thousand true fans to get the freebies offered.


Lo goes to North America is a story of two best friends exploring the globe together. They are always eager and ready for new adventures through traveling to every continent either by plane or boat.

Their creative minds keep you ready to dive into interesting new places like Mt. Rushmore and Mexico and Canada and meeting Canadian Mounties.

Herb the herbalist will be delighted also as they discover the wonderful wildflowers, herbs artifacts and traditions.

Lo and Herb get to witness the beautiful Monarch butterfly migration as well as discovering local foods and the cultures, they have a tons of fun doing just that. Most importantly Lo and Herb invites everyone to read and share their amazing adventures in while North America.


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